Learn with Us


Students in K-6 are actively engaged in a broad range of learning activities inside and outside the classroom to assist them to reach their potential inlcuding Music and French in all classes K-6; the extension activities such as CSIRO Crest, Tournament of Minds or Southern Region Public Speaking. 

St Patrick's offers a comprehensive education reflecting Gospel values across years 7-10, following the Board of Studies guidelines, providing students are given the opportunity to excel through a range of academic and extra-curricular activites.

The staff at St Patrick’s Primary strive to provide a nurturing and supportive environment that encourages all students to respect and value themselves and others. We are committed to the growth and support of each other in our journey of faith, learning and life, placing special emphasis on Christian Values and good manners, reflecting our motto “Strength In Gentleness”.


Principles of Pedagogy

  1. Everyone can learn
  2. A deep understanding of curriculum provides content and context for learning
  3. Assessment informs teaching and learning
  4. Positive relationships are at the heart of effective teaching
  5. Holding high expectations of all learners is a commitment to justice
  6. Positive educational environments empower learning
  7. Learning is inspired and celebrated in communit

BYOD program

Our BYOD program will assist students to improve their learning outcomes in a contemporary educational setting. Teaching students to become responsible digital citizens complements the learning process and achievement of student outcomes, as well as providing the skills and experiences that will prepare them for their future studies and careers. Read more.



  • Tournament of Minds
  • School Productions
  • Debating/Public Speaking
  • Art Competitions
  • Writing/Poetry Competitions
  • Choir and Perfomance Groups
  • Da Vinci Decathlon
  • UN Youth Association
  • University of NSW ICT Competition
  • Academic Extension
  • Extensive Sporting Opportunities

Learning Enrichment

St Patrick’s Parish School promotes better learning outcomes for students with additional learning needs by offering extra support, tailored to the needs of each student. Our policy is one of general inclusion of students with special learning needs or different abilities. Learning Enrichment Teachers and Assistants are employed to assist students K-10 with their education in the classroom.

Resources for Parents